Publication Details

E-Transformation Model for Institutional Information Management in the Public Sector: The Case of Electronic Records Management System at Marmara University.


The aim of the research is to create an e-transformation model for managing information effectively and formulating e-government transformation processes with underlying dynamics in public institutions. Also, measuring the adoption level of users to the e-transformation model applied in the process of Electronic Records Management System (ERMS) transformation by the Extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM-E) was aimed.

In this research, both qualitative and quantitative research methods were utilized within the multimethod perspective. Case study was used as a qualitative research method and correlational comparative survey was used as a quantitative research method. The case of transformation of institutional information management provided by ERMS was studied in-depth to analyze the application process of the project. The sample of the survey research was 469 ERMS users among the faculty and staff of the Marmara University, which is a state university in Istanbul. Demographics Questionnaire and TAM-E Survey was used to collect data. Furthermore, usage statistics of ERMS in the Marmara University for 18 months since the beginning was obtained. The quantitative data collected by these tools were analyzed by descriptive statistics and inferential statistical tests.

The findings of the study imply that the e-transformation model was accepted by the users but there are still some aspects of the model to be improved. In addition, there are evidences that users’ technology acceptance differs significantly according to the variables such as gender, education level, personnel type (faculty or staff), duration of daily computer use and being digital native or digital immigrant. Usage statistics of ERMS show that users’ intention to use the system have become actual behavior of usage.

In conclusion, the revised e-transformation model taking into consideration the e-Transformation Turkey Project and legal regulations to manage institutional information more effectively and efficiently in the public sector is proposed. The road map to be followed by public institutions at e-transformation projects as a stage-activity framework is also proposed.