© 2016 Esad Esgin.
Abstract Aim of the research is to examine the effects of pedagogical agents’ image and communication channel properties on students’ academic achievement, attitude towards pedagogical agent and usability of pedagogical agent. In this study, 5x2 factorial design was used. Participants of the research were 188 students from 6th, 7th and 8th grades.
Multimedia learning environment developed by the researcher was prepared to provide an environment to students learn by discovering enactively. Pedagogical agent was used to guide users and give feedback and motivation messages to learners. There were ten (5x2) different designs for pedagogical agents which are “Cartoon Human + Narration”, “Realistic Human + Narration”, “Cartoon Nonhuman + Narration”, “Realistic Nonhuman + Narration”, “No image + Narration”, Cartoon Human + On-screen text”, “Realistic Human + On-screen text”, “Cartoon Nonhuman + On-screen text”, “Realistic Nonhuman + On-screen text”, “No image + On-screen text”.
Data were collected by achievement test about the topic “Cell”, attitude questionnaire, usability and student information survey. There were totally sixteen hypotheses which of six were accepted and others were rejected. According to the results of the study, there were no significant differences among groups by academic achievement. Presence of pedagogical agent and narration effected students’ attitude towards pedagogical agent and usability of pedagogical agent positively.