© 2016 Esad Esgin.
Abstract In cases that education processes are supported by the internet and web technologies, usability is one of the factors that can affect success of students and technology usage status of teachers. In this study, usability factors for effective design and usage of web based multimedia packages created for educational purposes are surveyed. During the research, experiments and analysis are done in the Human – Computer Interaction Laboratory with nine prospective teachers. According to literature review, it is generally possible to find 75% of the usability problems by testing only 5 participants. Experiment data are collected by using screen and voice records, which contain eye and mouse motions. For analysis of data, fixation count, sequence and dwell time values in gridded area of interest, heat map values in whole are considered. The present study demonstrates that large number of fixations and the disperse nature of fixation locations make it hard for users to find the task. It was also found based on eye-movement data that size of some objects and words were too small to notice. There should be options that enable users to decide on the size of objects according to their preference. Finally, this study makes recommendations aimed at making the multimedia more effective, efficient and of higher quality to ensure user satisfaction. It can be said that results obtained from this study can also be used for design and validation of computer aided materials such as learning objects, web based applications and serious games.